Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some Tips For Using Email To Promote Your Home Business

Email is still one of the best ways to effectively reach people interested in your business opportunity. It's environmentally friendly and inexpensive.
It's a much faster way to get in contact with your customers and explode your traffic to your site.

Make sure that all of your mail campaigns are a big success by following a few guidelines:

First you will want to set some clear objectives

The first thing you want to do is make your decision about what you would like to achieve. Do you want to contact your client list and tell them about your new offer, or do you want to acquire and attract new customers?

Start building your email list

You can use your current list of subscribers and also have a visible subscribe box on your website. Make sure that the lists that you mail to are double opt in lists.

This means that the people subscribed to the list have verified by confirm link sent to the email that they use to subscribe. You should be familiar with the current email spam laws.

Get your mail thru the spam filters

Stay away from certain words in the subject line that will trigger the spam filters. Some of them that will automatically trigger the email programs spam filters are, e.g. free, Quote, trial.

Put a personal touch on it

People don't want to feel like they are just another number being bombarded with bulk emails. Customers want to feel important and getting an individual greeting in the subject line they are more likely to open it.

Make it sound professional

You want to copy the reader's attention, so be easy to understand. Make sure to get right to the point and be sure to check your spelling.

If writing is not for you, you can hire a writer or graphic designer to give it a more professional touch. Many email companies offer to make your ad for you at no charge.

Make sure to use a powerful call to action

Make it very clear what you want the reader to do and set a clear deadline and create a sense of urgency. What you are trying to do is to get them to respond to your offer.

Always test your ads

Always test your ads that you send out, if you have a list of your own you can test out different type of ads. Then change the subject lines to see what works best.

The last thing you want do is continue to send an ad that doesn't work in the first place. After that you can think about modifying the ad body.

Monitor your results and follow up

Use an ad tracking system that will allow you to track the efficiency of your ad.

This will allow you to monitor distribution, bounces, unsubscribes, opens, clicks and website activity. Make sure you follow up comments, emails and feedback.

Promoting your opportunity using email is still one of the quickest ways to get traffic to your website. It is an effective way to target the right people that are interested in what you have to offer.

Want to learn effective email campains in an exciting new business? Go here now!


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