Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Is Everyone Doing Today?

Did you see that crazy story about that 6 year old kid got into a balloon that his dad had, it came untied some how, and took off?

I watched it land and he wasn't in it, but at that time they couldn't find him. The whole world is looking! He's going to be in trouble.

I hope everyone had a productive day like I did! I spent most of the day loading new messages into my autoresponder. I got some tips from a marketing friend of mine that gave me some ideas for some better messages.

They are so important. When somebody comes and takes a look at your business, you want to give them good information when your system follows up with them.

Take a look at yours. If you were reading them for the first time, what would you think? Don't like them? rewrite them, change them a little, add to them.

I believe the changes I made are going to make a big difference.

Check this out:

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