Monday, November 16, 2009

Use Your Press Releases To Build Backlinks

One Of the main objectives of a search engine optimizer is to get plenty of backlinks for your website. Using press releases is one of the best ways to get a lot of links.

For example, if you have a great business opportunity then you can publish a news release about it. This is different from writing an article, as through an article you give good information, through releases you break a story.

But you need to find ways to focus the storylines. So here are some helpful tips.

1. You can hire a writer to write a release for you, whether you want to publish a new release every week or every month. I recommend writing and submitting one press release every week.

2. There are many trained writers and related service providers are available for writing releases. But while it may be cheaper to hire a writer, they may not provide quality writing all the time.

So it might prove wise to employ a professional writer who is trained to write press releases which will benefit you. Good quality writing will help you get many more backlinks.

3. Once the news release is ready you should submit it immediately. You can manually submit it to about twenty of the top free release sites and you will get great results for free.

4. You can find software and services that will help you distribute your news releases to different press release sites, similar to online article directories. There are also forums which accept news from different companies and send it to many other sites.

5. You can also take your articles and make some changes to them so they are a press release. Think of them as a newsworthy story that a reporter would find newsworthy.

6. Try to make your press release timely. Tie your news to current events or social issues if possible. Make sure that your story has a good news hook.

7. Tell the truth. Avoid fluff, embellishments and exaggerations. If you feel that your press release contains embellishments, perhaps it would be a good idea to set your press release aside until you have more exciting news to share.

Journalists are naturally skeptical. If your story sounds too good to be true, you are probably hurting your own credibility. Even if it is true, you may want to tone it down a bit.

8. Use only enough words to tell your story. Avoid using unnecessary adjectives, flowery language, or redundant expressions such as "added bonus" or "first time ever".

If you can tell your story with fewer words, do it. Wordiness distracts from your story. Keep it concise. Make each word count.

9. About your company. Your press release should end with a short paragraph that describes your company, products, service and a short company history. If you are filing a joint press release, include a boilerplate for both companies.

And lastly, don’t forget to post your press releases on your blog. This is a great way to add content to your blog. It will also give your followers fresh content for them to read.

Want to learn these and many other techniques to start a home business, go here now"

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